Sunday, June 22, 2014

How my journey as a young mom began...

Once upon a time there was a young woman who dreamed of building a family...and within the family she wanted the presence of children.  She envisioned her children to be chubby, cute,  well behaved and happy.

One month shy of her 23rd birthday, she got what she wanted. A family to call her own and the arrival of her first prince.  For the past 10 months there wasn't a day when she wouldn't try to imagine what being a first time mom would be like. Being a mom for the first time at the tender age of 23, she naively assumed having a baby would be blue skies and roses.

On November 4th, 2012 she heard his cry for the first time. He made his arrival 8 weeks too early but was perfect in every way.  The young woman vowed to love him and protect him til the end of the earth. A new chapter of her life began. Is parenthood turning out like she had envisioned? Are her days filled with blue skies and roses? Ladies and gentlemen,  I invite you to glimpse into the life of Mrs. Mouse. All will be revealed through her heartfelt diary. Her darkest secrets will be revealed in brutal honesty.  So readers beware and read at your own risk...who knows you might never look at a baby the same way again.

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